Desk Calendar Design (Square & Modern Model)


Square Desk Calendar Design

*Page Size: 16×16 cm* In the design of the square desk calendar, images are created in a watercolor style and each page (month) features an inspiring quote in English along with its translation. Each image represents the different seasons of the year.

Modern Desk Calendar Design

*Page Size: 12×22 cm* The modern desk calendar design incorporates abstract art along with leaves from trees relevant to each season. This design is distinctly different from the square calendar, catering to the varied tastes of customers when choosing between these two calendar styles.

Project Objectives

We decided to continue the poster design using image manipulation techniques, commonly known as photomanipulation. This approach allows us to create visually appealing and creative images that effectively convey the intended message without the need for professional photography.

The Baly Agency can take legal action against individuals or entities found guilty of misusing, stealing, or infringing on their artistic works. To use Baly agency’s works for non-commercial purposes, proper credit must be given and a link to the original artwork or the artist’s official website.

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Baly Agency

Baly Agency

The Baly Agency is a place where creativity and performance are directly connected, driving forward movement. Our areas of expertise include packaging design, brand visual identity design, website design, and the production of promotional animations.

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